Active Citizenship is a key aspect in improving collective societal issues, challenging the existing systems and empowering young people with knowledge and attitudes required to make informed decisions or participating in the decision making process that affects their lives so much.

Eurostat identifies that levels of active citizenship of young people in EU is low at 12,1%. Many factors influence this, from economical status to available free time, the customs both of communities and familiar environments, but citizenship education is by far one of the most important ones. Many schools are not prepared for the discussion of these topics, with lack of good systems to do so. This leads to inconsistent results but mostly in a a lack of information on young people of how they can be active citizens, express their opinions and address issues that affect their everyday lives.

Citizenship in Action aims to connect active citizenship with photography and video, providing young people with tools they can use to be more impactful in the life of their communities. For this organizations must have capacity to do so.

To increase capacity of 5 organizations to use photography and videography in their youth work as powerful tools for promoting active citizenship and alternative forms of youth participation, add value to existing youth work.

Objectives to be reach by end of project:

1. To equip youth workers from 5 partner countries with knowledge and skills in photography and videography and how to use them to promote sense of initiative of youth and alternative forms of participation.

2. To create safe non-formal contexts where young people in 5 partner countries could learn how to use camera equipment, principles of photography and videography and express their ideas and needs through it (e.g. films, photo exhibitions), address societal challenges of their communities and participate in solving them through creative approach.

3. To identify how photography and videography can be used to promote and add value to existing youth work, address needs of young people, facilitate their skills development and boosting creativity through audiovisuals.