Hiking instructors’ knowledge and skillset in organizing and leading hiking activities are bound to their local environment and terrain which is limiting factor for increasing capacity of organizing hiking activities, especially at international level as well as for hiking instructors’ mobility (to change countries and continue doing these activities).
To increase qualifications of hiking instructors from 5 partner countries through mobilities, their capacity to organize and lead hiking events in various terrains.
1. To facilitate peer learning among hiking instructors from 5 countries and exchange of knowledge and skills in organizing and leading hiking activities in 5 partner countries.
2. To create opportunities for hiking instructors from 5 countries to practice organizing and leading hiking activities in 5 partner countries.
3. To increase physical activity and participation in hiking activities in 5 partner countries.
Key element of our project is 5 hiking activities co-organized in 5 partner countries which will be the main part in achieving project goal and objectives to increase qualifications and versatility of hiking instructors through mobility and raise awareness about hiking, involve more people in hiking activities.
The main target group of this project is hiking instructors and increasing their qualifications, yet by organizing hiking activities in partner countries we will involve regular people in them which is secondary target group with objective to increase their physical activity and participation in hiking. By co-organizing these activities we will facilitate effective peer learning and exchange of knowledge and skills (first objective) as well as allow to put it in practice (second objective). In addition, since these activities will involve regular people, it will contribute to raising their physical activity and participation in hiking (third objective).