A freelancer is a self-employed person offering services, usually to businesses and often to multiple clients at a time. Young people could use increased website building competences to freelance and earn some money while still living in hometowns, being at school. Considering young people all around the Europe are struggling to transit from education to employment, freelancing could be one of alternative options to regular job for us and other young people in our communities.
Our Goal
To raise the sense of initiative of young participants from CZ, SK, HU and RO to approach self-employment by familiarizing them with freelancing. The idea is to develop their competences on website building which will later help them to enter the global labour market as the freelancer considering the huge demand of freelancers in website building.
The Method
Our project relies in non-formal methods of education. As usual, at the beginning i’ts all about creating the roots for a close team collaboration. By playing name games and team building activities, we will build a team spirit and community between all participants.
On a later stage participants will develop their multimedia skills, such as graphic design, web design, photography and so on. They will work on developing their own websites exploring their own freelance business ideas.
How to Apply?
Now that you decided to come and thrive in the Gig Economy, all you need to do is apply.
Start by reading the Info Pack to get more detailed information on location, travel arrangements, program and other small tips.
You can then apply by filling the form below.
We will contact the selected participants closer to the dates and plan all the travel arrangements.