Video recap of our project


Once upon a time a group of young people met in a wonderful Czech land named Kouty to Draw Their Story. Well, to be more precise 30 participants of 10 NGOs from 10 countries (Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Lithuania, Italy, Croatia, Spain, Latvia, France and Poland) participated in a training course between 7–16th of August, 2017 in Kouty, Czech Republic in regard to application of graphical facilitation in their work with youths.

Our Goal

The aim of the project was to develop participants’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills, abilities on how to apply graphical facilitation techniques as well as different methods in youth work activities. Throughout the project we sought to explain the participants why people have different learning needs and why graphical facilitation is accessible for everybody.

The Story

Since we strongly believe that the group may achieve its full potential only when working as a team rather than separate individuals, first sessions were dedicated to getting to know each other activities: names games, drawing each other’s faces, icebreaking, trust exercises, even the treasure hunt which lead to the establishment of our expectations, contributions and fears which shall be overcame within the project.

Considering this training course was an introductory course, not all the participants were able to define the concept of graphical facilitation at the very beginning. No need to mention its benefits, application techniques, main principles and guidelines.

We are happy to say that by the end of the project, situation have changed drastically – all the participants received YouthPass Certificates proving their developed knowledge and skills regarding graphical facilitation as well as improved some competencies from the great eight (communicating in a mother tongue, communicating in a foreign language, mathematical, scientific and technological competence, digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression)

In order to achieve the best results, we started every morning with the reflection sessions organized by participants themselves so all the key information is recalled and safely stored in our minds.

Then followed daily activities regarding theory of graphical facilitation later on applying it in practice. We learnt how to draw mind maps, build visual vocabulary, storytelling, making different templates, expressing our ideas by using imagery.

At the very end of the day, it was time for the evaluation. Everybody was invited to express their feelings and thoughts regarding the day, activities implemented, methods used or other.

Of course, we always found time for a secret friend box and gossip box which were getting fuller and fatter day by day.

In addition to that, we had an amazing day trip to Brno – the second biggest city of the Czech Republic. Participants were divided into groups and given the tasks to fulfil during the day.

We were asked to take some pictures of the street art, to draw a map of the city centre, to make a conversation with the locals and draw their story. Of course, we were invited to explore local culture, architecture, foods and drinks.

A wonderful day spent between guitar playing, nice conversations and interactions with local people and exploring a beautiful city like Brno.

A day full of memories.

Let’s not forget the intercultural evenings.

Every participating country was informed in advance about the intercultural evenings where everyone is going to present their countries.

Next to the traditional presentations about the countries (history, capital, achievements, etc.), we asked the participants to mention at least few words regarding the youth in their countries, their situation, attitudes and involvement in the local communities.

Obviously, all these presentations were followed by traditional sweets and treats and drinks of every country.

Also, participants increased the capacity to organize youth activities using graphical facilitation methods and techniques as well as the level of efficacy of the dissemination and exploitation of results strategy within youth activities and Erasmus+ through graphical facilitation techniques and methods.

Now it’s your chance to take part in one of our projects!
Check our future projects section and apply!

Come and grow with us!
