Video recap of our project
Erasmus+ Youth exchange, named “Let‘s save our planet“, took place between 25 October and 05 November 2017 in a very beautiful city of Balan, Romania, surrounded by two mountain chains. In this project, 40 participants from 8 countries gathered together for 10 days in order to promote the connection between active citizenship and the environmental protection through selective waste collection systems and waste reuse.
Our Goal
The goal of the project was to promote the connection between active citizenship and the environmental protection through selective collection systems and waste reuse.

The Story
As the days passed, 8 different nation became like one, first attending many ice breaking and team building activities later followed by the workshops which involved different countries collaborating together reaching a mutual goal – to reduce waste by thinking forward, with the help of creativity to reuse the most items that are being used in our everyday life and finally, to recycle as much as possible and in this way to make the word a better place by lowering the level of pollution.
During the mobility, selective waste collection project was implemented in order to help the city of Balan identify the problem of lack of recycling and new ways of reusing various items were introduced. 40 talented participants proved, that by using their imagination, creativity and just a little bit of time and effort, most of the household items can find a new life: become decor, ornaments, vases, jewelry, storage equipment, accessories, kitchenware, furniture, music instruments, sound system or even a tool for machinery.
It is said that “Everything is possible if you just believe” for a reason after all. A public event was held in order to show the local community about reducing, reusing and recycling possibilities.

Participants also had a chance to interact with local community not only from Balan, but also from the city of Brasov, the seventh largest city in Romania, where the work visit took place. The participants had a chance to meet youth from this city as well as inhale a magnificent historical heritage that this fenomenal city carries on within.
What is also worth mentioning are the intercultural evenings that all of the 8 countries carried on. The sense of inclusion was vibrating in the air when different cultures were shared with dances, songs, poems, history, snacks, traditions, clothing and language. It is for sure that all of the participants brought home some of the internationality with them, which is going to open wider horizons in their future paths.
All in all, the project as a great success, with a countless amount of smiles, with the most honest emotions and with the will to make the place that we live in a little better – slowly, step by step, but at the end to have an environment that we would be happy with in and gladly leave it as a heritage to the next generations.
Now it’s your chance to take part in one of our Youth Exchanges!
Check our future projects section and apply!
Come and grow with us!